Refund Policy


We offer a free trial period to new users of some products displayed on the site. This period is subject to change at any point in time.


You can cancel your subscription at any time by logging into your account or contacting us using our email ( Your cancellation will take effect at the end of the current paid term. 


You must request a refund for a specific payment within the 24 hours following the charge ( Your refund request for a specific charge will be granted as long as your account meets all of the following conditions:

  • You must not have used the software you are subscribed to from the time of the charge you want refunded to the time you requested the refund for the charge.
  • You must not have used the software you are subscribed to after you have requested a refund for the charge.
  • You must request a refund for a specific payment within the 24 hours following the charge for that payment, no longer than that.

Our refund policy applies to all payment periods, including but not limited to monthly and annual plans.

We reserve the right to process any refund request at our sole discretion.